From Separateness to True Self-Realization

A Transitional Guide Designed to Stimulate a Spiritual Revolution
By The Great White Brotherhood
The GWB welcomes you to a study of the guide. Their motto, "There Is No Religion Higher Than Truth," explains what an aspirant will be exposed to as one absorbs their teachings. Because religions have conditioned our minds, we cannot think beyond the concept we are separate from their Gods, one another and all that exists. This belief is no longer appropriate for mankind if we desire to evolve spiritually in this New Age. We must transcend the powerful grip that a sense of separation has on our consciousness.
The role of religions has been to instruct mankind about how to coexist peacefully while we suffer from the difficulties separateness creates. However, they have not informed us of a way to rise above this state of being. They have instead fortified this illusion, so they can continue to influence us. For this reason, most of us think it is normal, and few realize this is a problem that can be resolved. The consequence is that we interact with one another under the belief we are separate, and meanwhile, nothing changes in our world.
"Dreams, just dreams, it's all illusion." ~Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity
The knowledge The GWB conveys in the guide will assist aspirants to distinguish what is real from what is illusory. We do not recall that Who we truly are is our True Self incarnate. After entering this dimension at The Big Bang and fragmenting itself into subatomic Us particles, scientists have been studying them in the quantum realm. As these conscious bits, we have assembled ourselves into everything in this Universe, including our own human form. Mankind is Us experiencing separateness in our physical bodies.
What we must do to become enlightened is to realize our Us particles are the source of everything that exists in this Universe. They comprise what can be seen or is invisible to our naked eye and are the cause of our self-awareness. None of this has come to exist via the efforts of Gods. By seeking our answers from nonexistent deities, the result is that we believe we are separate from one another and all that exists. The reality we encounter on Earth is constructed entirely upon "Dreams, just dreams, it's all illusion."
Enlightenment will never come to those who cling to fallacies. Transcending them means that mankind must be informed about the cause of our troubles. Instead of striving individually in an attempt to resolve the problems that separateness engenders, the solution we seek is to join together in order to heal one another of our common misconceptions. We will discover this is the most effective way to move beyond the difficulties hindering our ability to rise above what our false beliefs have been creating in the world.
Because we cling to separateness, most who come across the guide will wish to study it as a solo practitioner. This is due to the fact that we believe these instructions are designed to assist us to become better versions of our separate selves, but it is a fallacy. If one feels this is all that is necessary to advance spiritually in our New Age, one will be unable to learn how to connect any differently with our fellow humans. Our interactions will continue as they have for thousands of years, and all we will experience is more separation.
By imparting their teachings in the guide, The GWB informs us how we can perceive and transmute what separates us. The instructions they offer will take us "From Separateness to True Self-Realization." Aspirants will learn that we are not set apart from our Gods, one another or the Earth. Below can be found those organizations which are designed to assist mankind in the recollection of the facts The GWB brings forth that can empower us with the knowledge we need to help us transform our world.

"Those who haven’t yet given birth to precious Bodhicitta,
May they give birth,
Those who have given birth,
May their Bodhicitta not lessen
But increase further and further."
The teachings being offered by The GWB are powerful. Their instructions will take aspirants on a transformative journey that will give birth to one's Bodhicitta, meaning an enlightened mind striving toward awakening, compassion and empathy for the benefit of all sentient beings. Shantideva's most advanced disciples learned enlightenment was realizing thatWho we truly are was our True Self incarnate.
Mankind must be spiritually awakened, so we can acknowledge the interconnections we share with one another and all that exists. We can identify this as a falling away of our attachment to the illusion of being separate from each other. Striving in this manner, we will find our former belief about the existence of Gods incompatible with what emerges; the two cannot coexist. As our hearts and minds become illuminated, our lives will be changed, and our Bodhicitta will "increase further and further."
The GWB realizes that most people who are exposed to their teachings will reject them because they tend to cling to a separative view of reality. They will have no desire to rise above this state. However, if they are
able to acknowledge separateness is the source of their suffering, it can assist them to comprehend the interconnections they share with all that exists. The guide provides aspirants with this opportunity.
This can be a rewarding path to follow, or it can bring forth uncomfortable feelings which emerge as a result of one's desire to continue viewing oneself as separate, interacting with others and the Earth in this way. Therefore, The GWB advises that aspirants meditate in order to ascertain if this is the right course to embark on. A student may mistakenly determine one is ready for the advanced teachings only to later realize that what is more important is to preserve one's sense of identity as a separate consciousness.
As outlined below, The GWB's teachings are divided into five sections which are: The Introductory and The Novitiate, The Intermediate, The Advanced, and The Master Classes. Each chapter utilizes one of the 22 Major Arcana Tarot cards as its foundation and by studying them consecutively, aspirants will be able to transcend separateness. The guide is designed to lead us step-by-step into enlightenment.
Note: The guide is free; no charge for these instructions will be asked of anyone. It is given to us gratis and must be distributed throughout the world in the same manner. If one does not have time to read the guide in full, then instead review "The Epilogue - Part 3 - The Ten Stages of Mankind's Cultrual and Spiritual Evolution" to gain insights into the outcome of what The GWB's teachings will have on our lives.
The Table of Contents
Introduction to The Guide:
About the Authors
About the Guide
Preface – The Tree of Life
Chapter 0 - The Fool's Journey
The above four sections will introduce aspirants to the teachings offered by The Great White Brotherhood. Right away, one will notice their teachings are quite different than what the reader might have been exposed to previously. Combined with the lessons offered in The Novitiate Classes, The Intermediate Classes, The Advanced Classes, and The Master Classes, they will inspire one to want the join one's efforts within a community of mystics called The Stewards of True Self-Realization so working together you can do great healing works on Earth.
The Novitiate Classes
Chapter 1 – The Magician: Understanding Separateness
Chapter 2 – The High Priestess: The Cause and Effect of Separateness
Chapter 3 – The Empress: The Scientific Insights into Separateness
Chapter 4 – The Emperor: The Politics of Separateness
Chapter 5 – The Hierophant: Benefiting from the Teacher/Student Relationship
Chapter 6 – The Lovers: Distinguishing Our True Self from the Finite Self
The Intermediate Classes
Chapter 7 – The Chariot: From Separateness to True Self-Realization
Chapter 8 – Strength: Strengthening Our True Self-Realization
Chapter 9 – The Hermit: Shining Our Light into the World
Chapter 10 – The Wheel of Fortune: Developing the Abilities of the Self-Realized
Chapter 11 – Justice: On the Transformation of Religions
Chapter 12 – The Hanged Man: On the Transformation of Cultures
The Advanced Classes
Chapter 13 – Death: Transitioning to the Other Side
Chapter 14 – Temperance: The Path to True Community
Chapter 15 – The Devil: The Garden of Eden Myth
Chapter 16 – The Tower: The 4-D Transition
Chapter 17 – The Star: How Us Became Our True Self
Chapter 18 – The Moon: How Us Became Human
The Master Classes
Chapter 19 – The Sun: The Declarations of Interdependence
Chapter 20 – Judgment: The Affirmations of the Self-Realized
Chapter 21 – The World: Mastering the World
Epilogue –
Part 1 – How The Stewards of True Self-Realization Can Transform the World
Part 2 – Guidelines for those who join The Stewards of True Self-Realization Mentors group
Part 3 – The Ten Stages of Mankind’s Cultural and Spiritual Evolution
"So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?" ~Hunter S. Thompson
The "Introduction to the Guide" will be made available for all to view in a document upon joining The Stewards of True Self-Realization Study Group. What The GWB is imparting in these initial four topics gives an aspirant a clear idea about what is conveyed in the entire guide. This groundwork can assist one to gain insights into whether their instructions are compatible with one's spiritual needs and aspirations.
Teachings being shared in the four classes will have a powerful transformative effect on an aspirant. If one has evolved in consciousness to the point where one is ready to give birth to the Bodhicitta mind, one can progress quickly and join The GWB in their work of healing humanity of illusions. These individuals will receive their most advanced instructions, so they can help establish an outer order identifying itself as The Stewards of True Self-Realization and be comprised of those who reside on Earth.
If one's response to the teachings being offered in the guide is positive, this is the right path for you. Those who feel this way will find their study of it a rewarding experience due to the rapid rate of one's spiritual evolvement. However, when one is doubtful that transcending separateness is possible, it is unwise to pursue this coursework. Should this be the case, please allow others to heal themselves of this fallacy.
Hunter S. Thompson points out what it is to stay safe on the shore, merely existing and never learning how to truly live. On the other hand, The Stewards are the ones who will struggle to transcend their illusions while braving the storms. As the guide's teachings are absorbed, one will arrive at a point where a choice must be made. Your work as a Steward will not be easy, but you will discover how exciting it is to be alive.

"We are not going on into Cosmic Heights and leaving our brothers and sisters on Earth behind. We will stay and assist." ~The Great White Brotherhood
The first question often asked by people when they are introduced to the teachings of The Great White Brotherhood is, "Why just a brotherhood and not a sisterhood as well?" What needs to be understood about them is they are not individuals who reside on Earth but now exist as Ascended Masters. At one time, they experienced being male or female, but on the other side, they ceased to identify themselves as either. In addition, it is important to realize the word "white" is not referring to a specific race of human beings.
Members of The GWB are known as the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or the Ascended Masters. The best explanation about who they are and their effort to produce the guide is provided in "About the Authors." Additionally, one can gain further insights into this organization by going to Great White Brotherhood - Wikipedia. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov was the last known living member of The GWB. More can be learned about his life and work at Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov - Wikipedia.
Aspirants may ask a second question which is, "If members of The GWB exist on the other side, how have they been able to produce the guide since they need someone living on Earth to bring it into written form?" This is explained in the introduction of Daniel & Patricia AngelsAgrarian. They were initiated by The GWB for this task. Their motivation for relaying these teachings is to be in equal partnership with other Stewards who are endeavoring to assist mankind in transcending separateness.

"It is not that we love to be alone, but that we love to soar, and when we do soar, the company grows thinner and thinner until there is none at all…We are not the less to aim at the summits though the multitude does not ascend them." ~Henry David Thoreau
How The Great White Brotherhood was able to bring the guide into the material plane was via Daniel & Patricia AngelsAgrarian (pictured above). More information about them can be found on their website, A Gathering of The Stewards of True Self-Realization - Foundation for Intentional Community (ic.org). In addition, the following paragraphs reveal the process leading up to the transmission of the teachings which appear in The GWB's book, From Separateness to True Self-Realization: A Transitional Guide.
Daniel's relationship with The GWB began in 1970 after joining a mystic teaching order called The Holy Order of MANS (information about them can be found at History of HOOM – Holy Order of MANS.) While he was a student there, they healed him of the illusions inhibiting his ability to realize our True Self, called "The God Self " at HOOM. The instructions and initiations which are offered to its members are similar to what The GWB will be sharing with those who study the guide.

"I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." ~Albert Schweitzer
The guide came into being through a vision Brother Daniel received while at HOOM. This occurred in 1976 when he was meditating in the chapel where he was stationed in Boston. During this time, The GWB began downloading into his spiritual body the instructions he was to incorporate into the guide. It took him many years to determine how to articulate the insights he was given. Meanwhile, he came to realize that mankind would be unreceptive to these teaching until major changes occurred in our world.
In the intervening time, Patricia and Daniel got married, and they pursued their aspiration to live simply on their homestead as Helen and Scott Nearing had done beginning in the 1930s. Then in the fall of 2014, The GWB instructed him to "Sit down and write." During the process of writing, he integrated his knowledge about the 22 Major Arcana Tarot cards into the guide. Coupling this with Patricia’s lifelong spiritual research and her proofreading ability, it came together as laid out in "The Table of Contents."
Let us clarify that our purpose for writing the guide is not to acquire fame or fortune since it will always be made freely available to those who seek The GWB's teachings. We desire to live a simple lifestyle and serve in any capacity we are able to within The Stewards of True Self-Realization. If our efforts assist humanity to transcend separateness, we feel we will have fulfilled what we have come to the Earth to accomplish. It would be most gratifying if we could join other Stewards in the dissemination of the guide.

The Road Ahead for The Stewards of True Self-Realization

"The Hopi were promised that their people and their land would be a center from which the True Spirit
would be reawakened. Then great judgment will take place, for the elder will help the younger brother to obtain real justice. The transformed Elder Brother, the True White Brother, will bring no religion but will be all-powerful, and he will bring with him two great and intelligent and powerful helpers. All three will help the younger brothers to make a better world. The True White Brother and his helpers will show the people of earth a great new life plan that will lead to everlasting life. The earth will become new and beautiful again, with an abundance of life and food. Those who are saved will share everything equally. All races will intermarry and speak one tongue and be a family." ~White Feather, Hopi Nation Elder
​Symbolized by the image on the right side of the above rock etching are the Hopi Elders who have created the sacred spiral of energy that has been shaping mankind's destiny. In our True Self's left hand is the guide which is being offered to the world. Note that it has a lever. By pulling on this handle, enlightenment will flow out to evolve humanity's consciousness which is depicted below it as a head with antennae and legs.
White Feather describes what "The transformed Elder Brother, the True White Brother [The Great White Brotherhood] " will bring into the world through their two "powerful helpers ." Both figures appear with outstretched arms on the left side of the above rock etching which the ancient Hopis have provided. The top one is in contact with the central figure, our True Self, and the other, raising a piece of paper, is a scribe.
Those who study the guide will be able to combine their energies as The Stewards of True Self-Realization to "…show the people of earth a great new life plan…." United in this manner, we will become the ones the Hopis have predicted will help make "The earth…new and beautiful again, with an abundance of life and food." The knowledge which is provided in the guide will empower The Stewards to become the teachers and healers the world needs. Due to the prior efforts of thousands of others, the way has been paved for us.
Many people are currently feeling an urgency to transcend the state of separation that has taken over our perception of reality but do not know in which direction to turn for assistance. The inspiration we need can be found by going within and discovering our True Self. What we find there will help us heal our personal history of being separate, thus giving us a heightened awareness of our connection to a greater destiny. With this knowledge, we will become capable of making the necessary shifts in our consciousness.
"My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother from the stars, as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. We were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana. He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother. The Fourth World will end soon, and The Fifth World will begin. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon, very soon afterward, Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the Dawn of The Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of His Wisdom in our hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth The Way to the Emergence into The Fifth World." ~White Feather, Hopi Nation Elder
On the home page of this website can be seen, in The GWB's emblem, "...the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders...." This is the sign that the end of "The Fourth World" and the beginning of "The Fifth World" has arrived. Everything we have built upon the premise of our separation from our Gods, one another and all that exists is coming to an end. No longer can this be the basis upon which we build our reality. As "The Fourth World" deteriorates, we will be compelled to resolve the problems that separateness creates and strive to unite our efforts in order to transcend this condition.
In consideration of the way humanity has become accustomed to our separative manner of interacting with each other and the Earth, many feel something must be done but do not know how to accomplish this task. It is therefore the responsibility of The Stewards to share the guide with mankind so that we can all work together to transcend the effects of separateness. These are the ones who will take us into a new future by planting the seeds to "...smooth The Way to the Emergence into The Fifth World."
As the crisis of change overtakes humanity and we arrive at a crucial crossroads, The Stewards will become empowered to deal with all the difficulties being created by the simultaneous catastrophes appearing in large numbers. Those who have been able to comprehend the significance of the teachings being offered in the guide will come to realize the importance of the healing services they will be providing during these transformative times. Our 4-D abilities will gradually become activated as mankind's needs increase.
Assistance is also available from Pablo Sender of The Theosophical Society who provides valuable guidance in a series of four videos which is called The Secret Path available at The Secret Path - YouTube. The fourth one provides The Stewards with especially useful information as we attempt to unify our efforts to help our fellow men in their spiritual healing and transformation. A link to it is embedded below.

Contact The Stewards of True Self-Realization
If what you have read on this website has inspired you to want to put into action the teachings of The GWB, they invite you to join The Stewards of True Self-Realization Mentors group (click on the first FaceBook link provided below). Once an aspirant graduates from this course, you can join others in an outer order of The GWB, calling yourselves The Stewards of True Self-Realization. As you work together in this community, you will be receiving their most advanced instructions. To prepare oneself for this opportunity, please listen to the 3-minute audio recording available at Theosophy:- The Way to the Masters by Annie Besant - YouTube
The guide needs to be disseminated to mankind so that he can transcend separateness. Do you feel a calling to be a part of this mission? If so, please complete and submit the contact form to introduce yourself.
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